Sharing the Love of Jesus Christ
Gospel Lane Ministries is a ministry designed to assist in the growth of the independent churches, artists and ministries throughout the nation. Through consulting and the resources on this site, it is our hope that the administrative tasks of the Pastor of these independent churches will be allowed to spend more time on the development of the people in the church, not on the tasks associated with administering the church.
Our MissionTo share the Love of Jesus with as many as we can reach. To share the testimony of how only Jesus can heal, protect, and restore the lives of those who accept him. Our task is simple, take the rewards that Jesus has to offer to us, He has died for our debts and repaid them, we must just ask him into our hearts, and live the rest of our days for his glory. If you would like to help these efforts financially click here.
Bob and his T-5.
Contact Information:For more information e-mail us at Or mail to Gospel Lane Ministries, PO Box 944, Newberg, OR 97132.
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